Friday, September 10, 2010

Cortland's Birthday Card

It's hard to believe that Cortland will be TEN years old this Sunday. Where has the time gone! He will be in Ft. Worth on Sunday morning. It's the first time he won't be home when he wakes up on his birthday. We always wake the kids up on their birthday with the happy birthday song. We both had reservations about him not being here for that. LOL So I made him this card to put in his overnight bag, so he can open it first thing on his Birthday. I'm going to put a pack of his favorite baseball cards inside. So hopefully that will get his day off to a good start!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Baseball sign

We are ready and excited to go to the Texas Ranger vs. Yankees game tomorrow in Arlington. Cortland wanted to go to a Yankee game for his birthday and it's finally here. We made this sign for him to hold up at the game. Hope it'll get him an autograph!!